Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Caribbean

About The Caribbean!
* More ships cruise the Caribbean islands than any other region in the world
* Reefs in the Caribbean are 10-15 million years old, young compared to the Pacific ones which are 60-70 million years old
* Only about 2 percent of the Caribbean's numerous islands are inhabited
* Antigua has 365 beaches, one for each day of the year
* The largest barrier reef in the Western hemisphere is located within 10-40 miles of Belize mainland and is almost 185 miles long
* Grenada, known as the spice island, has more spices per square mile than any other place in the world

Want to travel to the Caribbean? use this site to plan your own relaxing Caribbean Getaway!


Cosas que son muy interesante sobre Espana! (facts that are very interesting about Spain)

The currency in Spain is the Euro.
Spain has 4,964 km of coastline.
Spain’s population is around 45 million.
Spain is 5 times bigger than the UK and has two thirds of its population.
The night life if jumping with 344.000 bars
Spain has over 8,000 km of beaches.
Spain climate is varied. Some areas resemble desert and in winter it can rain 20 days out of the month.
Madrid is Spain’s capital city and it is located directly in the center of the country.
If you drink hot chocolate in Spain you will find it very thick almost like drinking warm pudding!
Each household in Spain buys fresh bread every day!.
Spain is the country closet to Africa!
Spain likes its sports but in particular soccer is the most popular sport!

This is a video of the popular dance The Flamenco!


Australia is an English speaking country. The people and customs of Australia are generally informal. The population is about 21 million people. Outside the cities, Australia is a continent of diverse landscape – from dry arid deserts to rainforests, from mountains where you can ski in winter to warm sandy beaches. The Great Barrier Reef stretches from the tip of Australia down the East Coast and is considered one of the world's natural wonders. It is home to many animals that are not ever or rarely seen in America such as the kangaroo, dingo, and koala bear.


Funny Facts About Japan! :
· There are special slippers for the toilet
· Wild monkeys don’t like to be looked at in the eye
· Japan is made up of over 6000 islands
· At McDonalds the hamburgers are the same size as in America, but the drink sizes are one size smaller
· Japanese pizza has mayonnaise, corn, and seaweed on it

Want to learn more about Japan? Check out this cool WEBSITE

Here's a sample of the Japanese Alphabet!


Italy, one of the most romantic and beloved countries of the world is famous for dozens of special attractions such as:
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Venice, Italy
Sistine Chapel

Interesting Facts:
Nationality: Italian.
Population: 60.3 million.
Type: Republic
Climate: Generally mild Mediterranean; cold northern winters

For Great Authentic Italian Food check out these great RECIPES!

Unites States of America

All About America!

America, also called the United States of America, is a country in North America right between Mexico and Canada. America is composed of Fifty States. There are several Landmarks and world-wide attractions thorughout the country! (click on the words to see pictures of the attractions!)

Indianapois, Indiana - Indy 500 Race Track
Washington DC - The White House
Ellis Island, New York - The statue of Liberty
Los Angeles, California - Hollywood

Take this patriotic quiz to test how well you really know American History!
